Religion in The Twentieth Century

Book NameReligion in The Twentieth Century
AuthorVergilius Ferm
CategoryReligion Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherThe Philosophical Library
CountryNew York, USA.
Book Size32.1 MB

Religion in The Twentieth Century Book Content:

  1. Hinduism
  2. Zoroastrianism
  3. Jainism
  4. Buddhism
  5. Taoism
  6. Confucianism
  7. Roman Catholicism
  8. Shinto
  9. Islam
  10. The Eastern Orthodox Church
  11. Sikhism
  12. Conservative Protestantism
  13. The Society of Friends
  14. The Church of The New Jerusalem
  15. Liberal Protestantism
  16. Anglo-Catholicism
  17. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  18. The Bahai Cause
  19. Reform Judaism
  20. Conservative Judaism
  21. Ethical Culture
  22. The Salvation Army
  23. Christian Science
  24. Jehovah’s Witness
  25. The Ramakrishna Movement
  26. Naturalistic Humanism
  27. Reconstructionism
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