Technology Evaluation of Existing and Emerging Technologies

Book NameTechnology Evaluation of Existing and Emerging Technologies
AuthorVerdant Power Canada ULC
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherVerdant Power Canada ULC
Book Size2 MB

In response to a Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) request, Verdant Power has prepared the report “Technology Evaluation of Existing and Emerging Technologies: Water Current Turbines for River Applications”.

The report highlights the current state of development of hydro-kinetic technologies referred to as water current turbines (WCT) that could or are being applied to river applications.

Verdant Power hopes this report provides NRCan a useful tool for first assessments of emerging technologies and highlights some of the areas where government effort can be critical to moving the industry forward.

We would welcome the opportunity to work with NRCan to explore opportunities to advance the state of the industry through developing protocols for and implementing resource assessment, development of regulatory processes that streamline the timing for deploying technologies, or any aspect of encouraging this emerging technology that NRCan feels we may be of assistance.

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