Web Application Development with PHP

Book NameWeb Application Development with PHP
AuthorTobias Ratschiller and Till Gerken
CategoryTech & Computer Books, Education Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherNew Riders Publishing
CountryIndianapolis, USA.
Book Size6 MB

While the success of Open Source software like Linux or Apache has been documented extensively throughout all mainstream media, the rise of PHP has gone largely unnoticed.

This book is divided into three parts.The first part,“Advanced PHP,” covers the advanced syntax of PHP; for example, object orientation, dynamic functions and variables, and self-modifying code.

Part II,“Web Applications,” focuses on building the software: It explains why sessions are important, what security guidelines you need to keep in mind, why usability matters, and how to use the PHPLib for session management and database access.

The third part of the book,“Beyond PHP,” is for readers who want to go beyond what’s currently available with PHP, and explains how to extend PHP with C.

Web Application Development with PHP Book Content:

  1. Advanced PHP
  2. Development Concepts\
  3. Advanced Syntax
  4. Application Design : A Real-Life Example
  5. Web Applications
  6. Web Application Concepts
  7. Basic Web Application Strategies
  8. Database Access with PHP
  9. Cutting-Edge Applications
  10. Case Studies
  11. Extending PHP 4.0: Hacking the Core of PHP

Till Gerken

Till Gerken is a freelance developer and consultant for various companies, focusing on the creation of Web applications for Internet-based services. His background ranges from using C/C++, Pascal, and x86 Assembler to create such high-performance multimedia systems as 3D engines and real-time sound mixers, to using PHP and its associated tools to create medium- to large-scale, dynamic Web sites.

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