In the 1930s, this novel of Premchand is the abstract story of a boy called Amarkant, his boyhood in Varanasi, his transition into manhood, his family, and differences among family members because of the political influences.
Book Name | कर्मभूमि | Karmabhoomi |
Author | प्रेमचंद - Premchand |
Category | Novels, Sahitya Books, Hindi Books |
Book Language | हिंदी | Hindi |
Publisher | Hans Prakashan |
Pages | 416 |
Country | India |
Book Size | 29 MB |
In the 1930s, this novel of Premchand is the abstract story of a boy called Amarkant, his boyhood in Varanasi, his transition into manhood, his family, and differences among family members because of the political influences.
प्रेमचंद की गिनती हिन्दी साहित्य के महानतम रचनाकारों में की जाती है. He is also known by his pen name Munshi Premchand. प्रेमचंद का जन्म ३१ जुलाई सन् १८८० को बनारस शहर से चार मील दूर समही गाँव में हुआ था। उनकी प्रसिद्ध हिंदी रचनायें हैं ; उपन्यास: सेवासदन, प्रेमाश्रम, निर्मला, रंगभूमि, गबन, गोदान.