Automatic Control Systems

Book NameAutomatic Control Systems
AuthorBenjamin C. Kuo, Farid Golnaraghi
CategoryElectrical And Electronics Engineering Books, Electrical Engineering Books, Electronics & Communication Engineering
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherPrentice Hall New Jersey
CountryUSA New Jersey
Book Size24 MB

Download Free PDF Book “Automatic Control Systems” By Benjamin C. Kuo, Farid Golnaraghi.

Book contents

  1. Chapter 1: Introduction
  2. Chapter 2: Mathematical Foundation
  3. Chapter 3: Block Diagrams and Signal – Flow Graphs
  4. Chapter 4: Theoretical Foundation and Background Material – Modeling of Dynamic Systems
  5. Chapter 5: Time – Domain Analysis of Control Systems
  6. Chapter 6: The Control Lab
  7. Chapter 7: Root Locus Analysis
  8. Chapter 8: Frequency – Domain Analysis
  9. Chapter 9: Design of Control Systems
  10. Chapter 10: State Variable Analysis


  1. Appendix A: Elementary Matrix Theory and Algebra
  2. Appendix B: Difference Equations
  3. Appendix C: Laplace Transform Table
  4. Appendix D: Z – Transform Table
  5. Appendix E: Properties and Construction of the Root Loci
  6. Appendix F: General Nyquist Criterion
  7. Appendix G: Acsys 2008 – Description of the Software
  8. Appendix H: Discrete – Data Control Systems
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