Almost Magical Quotations: 101 Inspirational Quotes

Book NameAlmost Magical Quotations: 101 Inspirational Quotes for Motivation and Encouragement
AuthorDanny Pettry
CategoryQuote Books
Book LanguageEnglish
CountryWest Virginia, USA.
Book Size11 MB

Almost Magical Quotations: 101 Inspirational Quotes That Will Magically Transform Your Life.

Quotations from 101 authors and public speakers have been used in this unique collection. Naturally, attribution has been credited to the original author or speaker.

The primary purpose of this book of quotations is for education and motivation. This book was created to encourage people to become readers.

Danny Pettry

Danny Pettry is Recreational Therapist, Humanitarian, Author, Artist, and Super Awesome Guy. He is director of Continuing Education at Rec Therapy Today Huntington, West Virginia, USA. He has a Master of Science degree in Recreational Therapy from Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana).

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