Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry

Book NameDairy Chemistry and Biochemistry
AuthorP.F. FOX and P.L.H. McSWEENEY
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherBlackie Academic & Professional
ISBN0 412 72000 0
CountryUnited Kingdom
Book Size14.4 MB

This book is the most comprehensive introductory text on the chemistry and biochemistry of milk. It provides a comprehensive description of the principal constituents of milk (water, lipids, proteins, lactose, salts, vitamins, indigenous enzymes) and of the chemical aspects of cheese and fermented milks and of various dairy processing operations.

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Book Content

  1. Production and Utilization of Milk.
  2. Lactose.
  3. Milk Lipids.
  4. Milk Proteins.
  5. Salts of Milk.
  6. Vitamins in Milk and Dairy Products.
  7. Water in Milk and Dairy Products.
  8. Physical Properties of Milk.-
  9. Heat-induced changes in Milk.
  10. Enzymology of Milk and Dairy Products.
  11. Biologically Active Compounds in Milk.
  12. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Cheese.
  13. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Fermented Milk Products.
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