Design of Steel Structures: By Limit State Method as Per IS: 800-2007

Book NameDesign of Steel Structures: By Limit State Method as Per IS: 800-2007
Author S.S. Bhavikatti
CategoryCivil Engineering Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherIK International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd New Delhi
Book Size7 MB

Download Free PDF Book “Design of Steel Structures: By Limit State Method as Per IS: 800-2007” By S.S. Bhavikatti.

Book contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Principles of Limit State Design
  3. Bolted Connections; Welded Connections
  4. Design of Tension Members
  5. Design of Compression Members
  6. Design of Beams
  7. Design of Bolted Beam Connections
  8. Design of Welded Beam Connections
  9. Design of Plate Girders
  10. Design of Gantry Girders
  11. Design of Roof Trusses
  12. Appendix
  13. Index
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