Here you can read and download “Architectural Technology: Research and Practice” book pdf, click on download button to download the book. This book is useful for Civil Engineering students.
Here you can read and download “Architectural Technology: Research and Practice” book pdf, click on download button to download the book. This book is useful for Civil Engineering students.
“Architect’s Handbook of Construction Detailing” book provides information about critical building details to help architects to produce construction drawings, design and develop custom details, prepare specifications, and check existing drawings in their files.
Here you can read and download “Tall Building Design: Steel, Concrete, and Composite Systems” book pdf, click on download button to download the book. This book is useful for Civil Engineering students.
“Home Builder’s Guide to Continuous Improvement” book provides information to reduce cycle time duration and variation in order to improve quality and customer satisfaction and to minimize costs and accidents.
Here you can read and download “The Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel: Theory, Design and Construction” book pdf, click on download button to download the book.
“Introducing Geographic Information Systems with ArcGIS” book gives introduction to GIS with a software-specific workbook for Esri’s ArcGIS. Here you can read and download this book pdf, click on download button to download the book.
“Assessment, Evaluation, and Repair of Concrete, Steel, and Offshore Structures” book is useful for Civil Engineering students. Here you can read and download this book pdf, click on download button to download the book.
Here you can read and download “Concrete Durability” book pdf, click on download button to download the book. This book is useful for Civil Engineering students.
“Concrete Folded Plate Roofs” book covers an open expanses of space can pose complex design problems soluble only through detailed mathematical analysis. Free download this book by clicking on Download button.
“Concrete Mathematics” book contains Continuous and discrete mathematics. This book also covers following topics: Sums Recurrences Integer functions Elementary number theory Binomial coefficients Generating functions Discrete probability Asymptotic methods
Here you can read and download “Concrete Repair: A Practical Guide” book pdf, click on download button to download the book. This book is useful for Civil Engineering students.
“Corrosion of Steel in Concrete Structures” book analyze the variety of reinforcing materials and concrete, including stainless steel and galvanized steel. Read or free download this book from here.
“Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures” book covers many practical design examples and emphasize on development of structural sense needed for proper detailing of steel for integrated action in various parts of the structure.
Here you can read and download “Prestressed Concrete Design to Eurocodes” book pdf, click on download button to download the book. This book is useful for Civil Engineering students.
“Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design” book contains the theory of reinforced concrete as a direct application of the laws of statics and mechanics of materials.
“Transport Properties of Concrete” book contains a detailed understanding of the various transport mechanisms that take place during testing in concrete.