Highway Engineering

Book NameHighway Engineering Pdf
AuthorS.K Khanna
CategoryHighway Engineering, Civil Engineering Books, Education Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherNem Chand, 1973

Download Highway Engineering pdf By S.K Khanna and C.E.G Justo. This book is essential Under Graduate students for their B.Tech. It is also useful for student specializing along various categories under engineering like Civil Engineering , Bio Technology and mechanical Engineering and more.

Book Index

  1. Introduction
  2. Highway Development and Planning
  3. Highway Alignment and Surveys
  4. Highway Geometric Design
  5. Traffic Engineering
  6. Highway Materials
  7. Design of Highway Pavements
  8. Highway construction
  9. Soil Stabilized Roads
  10. Highway Maintenance
  11. Hill Roads
  12. Road Side Development
  13. Highway economics and Finance

S.K Khanna

S.K Khanna has authored books of Contemporary Indian Politics 1st Edition, Caste in Indian Politics 352pp 1998, Airport Planning and Design 6th Edition, Excel With Objective Questions In Organic Chemistry (For Competitive Examinations) and Excel With Objective Questions MCQ In Physical Chemistry

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