Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete

Book NameLimit State Design of Reinforced Concrete
AuthorVarghese P.C
CategoryCivil Engineering Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherPrentice Hall of India New Delhi
Book Size23 MB

Download Free PDF Book “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete” By Varghese P.C.

Book contents

  1. List of Illustrations.
  2. List of Tables.
  3. Foreword.
  4. Preface.
  5. Preface to the First Edition.
  6. Acknowledgements.
  7. Introduction to IS 456 (2000).
  8. Introduction to Limit State Design.
  9. Methods of Design of Concrete Structures.
  10. Partial Safety Factors in Limit State Design.
  11. Limit State of Durability of Reinforced Concrete to Environment.
  12. Theory of Singly Reinforced Members in Bending (Limit State of Collapse—Flexure).
  13. Examples in Design and Analysis of Singly Reinforced Beams.
  14. Design of Doubly Reinforced Beams.
  15. Limit State of Collapse in Shear (Design for Shear).
  16. Design of Flanged Beams.
  17. Design of Bending Members for Serviceability Requirements of Deflection and Cracking.
  18. Bond, Anchorage, Development Lengths and Splicing.
  19. Design of One-way Slabs.
  20. Design of Two-way Slabs.
  21. Limit State of Collapse in Compression Design of Axially Loaded Short Columns.
  22. Design of Short Columns with Moments.
  23. Effective Length of Columns.
  24. Design of R.C. Slender Columns.
  25. Design of Concrete Walls Carrying Vertical Loads.
  26. Design for Torsion.
  27. Design of R.C. Members in Tension.
  28. Design of Staircases.
  29. Design of Corbels, Brackets and Nibs.
  30. Design of Footings, Pedestals and Pile Caps.
  31. Appendices.
  32. A: Working Stress Method of Design.
  33. B: General Data for Designs.
  34. C: Formula for Some Charts and Tables in IS 456.
  35. D: Standard Method of Detailing R.C. Beams and Slabs.
  36. Index.
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