Dr R.K Bansal, Strength of Materials book is highly recommended if you want to learn about material strengths.
Book Index
- Simple Stress and Strain
- Elastic Constants
- Principle stresses and strains
- Strain energy and impact loading
- Center of gravity and moment of inertia
- Shear force and bending moment
- Bending stresses in beams
- Shear stresses in beams
- Direct and bending stresses
- Dams and retaining walls
- Analysis of perfect frames
- Deflection of beams
- Deflection of cantilever
- Conjugate beam method, propped cantilevers and beams
- Fixed and continuous beams
- Torsion of shafts and springs
- Thin cylinders and spheres
- Thick cylinders and spheres
- Columns and struts
- Riveted joints
- Welded joints
- Rotating discs and cylinder
- Bending of curved beams
- Theories of failures
- Objective type questions
In this pdf book covers entire syllabus of Mechanical Eng SOM subject. Here chapter 6 bending moment and shearing force topic is so easily explained.