Water Supply Engineering – Environmental Engineering (Volume-1)

Book NameWater Supply Engineering
AuthorDr. B.C.Punmia
CategoryEnvironment books, Civil Engineering Books, Environmental Engineering Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherLaxmi Publications
Book Size197 MB

Environmental Engineering – Water Supply Engineering book has been written by B.C. Punmia. This is volume 1 Environmental Engineering pdf book, It is also useful Civil engineering students.

Book Index

  1. Introduction
  2. Water resources 1 : surface water hydrology
  3. Water resources 2 : dams and river intake works
  4. Water resources : ground water
  5. Water demand and quantity
  6. Quality of water
  7. Treatment of water 1 : sedimentation
  8. Treatment of water 2 : filtration
  9. Treatment of water 3 : disinfection
  10. Water treatment 4 : softening
  11. Water treatment 5 : miscellaneous treatment methods
  12. Pumps and pumping
  13. Conveyance of water
  14. Distribution of water
  15. Water supply for buildings


B. C. Punmia : He is an eminent author of many books which is comprehensive for engineering students.

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