Losing My Religion

Book NameLosing My Religion
AuthorWilliam Lobdell
CategoryReligion Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherHarper Collins Publishers
Book Size1.5 MB

Losing My Religion Book Content:

  1. You Need God
  2. Born Again
  3. A God Thing
  4. Answered Prayers
  5. Shot Out of a Cannon
  6. My Ten Commandments
  7. Father Hollywood
  8. A Spiritual Body Blow
  9. The Golden Rule
  10. Millstones Around Their Necks
  11. A Gentle Whisper Silenced
  12. Rebuild My Church
  13. Heal Thyself
  14. The Dark Night of the Soul
  15. At the Edge of the Earth
  16. Letting Go of God
  17. One Story Too Many
  18. Welcome to the Edge

William Lobdell

William Lobdell, 48, is an award-winning journalist and a visiting faculty member at the University of California, Irvine. He lives in Costa Mesa, California, with his wife, Greer, and four boys. He competes in the sport of triathlon and is an Ironman.

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