Op-amps and Linear Integrated Circuit Technology

Book Name Op-amps and Linear Integrated Circuit Technology
AuthorRamakant A. Gayakwad
CategoryElectrical And Electronics Engineering Books, Electrical Engineering Books, Electronics & Communication Engineering
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherPearson Prentice Hall (Pearson Education)
Book Size242 MB

Download  Free PDF Book “Op-amps and Linear Integrated Circuit Technology” By Ramakant A. Gayakwad.

Book Content

The book is especially meant for professional design engineers, technicians and technologists.

The book includes following contents:

  1. introduction to operational amplifiers
  2. interpretation of data sheets and characteristics of an op-amp
  3. an op-amp with negative feedback
  4. the practical op-amp
  5. general linear applications
  6. frequency response of an op-amp
  7. active filters and oscillators
  8. specialised ic applications
  9. comparators and converters
  10. selected ic system projects.
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