Operational Amplifiers

Book NameOperational Amplifiers
AuthorG B Clayton,‎ Steve Winder
CategoryElectronics & Communication Engineering, Education Books
Book LanguageEnglish
Book Size12 MB

“Operational Amplifiers” explains HNC/HND electronic engineering in depth.

Book Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Fundamentals
  3. Real op-amp performance parameters
  4. Analogue integrated circuit technology
  5. Applications: linear circuits
  6. Logarithmic amplifiers and related circuits
  7. Integrators and differentiators
  8. Comparator, monostable and oscillator circuits
  9. Sensor interface, analogue processing and digital conversion
  10. Active filters
  11. Practical considerations
  12. Bibliography
  13. Answers to exercises. Appendices: Operational amplifier applications and circuit ideas
  14. Gain peaking / damping factor / phase margin
  15. Effect of resistor tolerance on CMRR of one amplifier differential circuit
  16. Instrumentation transducers
  17. Semiconductor data sheets.
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