Organic Chemistry

Book NameOrganic Chemistry
AuthorWilliam H. Brown, Christopher S. Foote, Brent L. Iverson and Eric V. Ansly
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherCengage Learning
Book Size50 MB

Download PDF book of Organic Chemistry by William H. Brown, Christopher S. Foote, Brent L. Iverson and Eric V. Ansly which is published by Cengage Learning.

Book Content

  1. Covalent Bonding and Shapes of Molecules
  2. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
  3. Stereoisomerism and Chirality
  4. Acids and Bases
  5. Alkenes: Bonding, Nomenclature, and Properties
  6. Reactions of Alkenes
  7. Alkynes
  8. Haloalkanes, Halogenation, and Radical Reactions
  9. Nucleophilic Substitution and b-Elimination
  10. Alcohols 11. Ethers, Epoxides, and Sulfi des
  11. Infrared Spectroscopy
  12. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  13. Mass Spectrometry
  14. An Introduction to Organometallic Compounds
  15. Aldehydes and Ketones
  16. Carboxylic Acids
  17. Functional Derivatives of Carboxylic Acids
  18. Enolate Anions and Enamines
  19. Dienes, Conjugated Systems, and Pericyclic Reactions
  20. Benzene and the Concept of Aromaticity
  21. Reactions of Benzene and Its Derivatives
  22. Amines
  23. Catalytic Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation
  24. Carbohydrates
  25. Lipids
  26. Amino Acids and Proteins
  27. Nucleic Acids
  28. Organic Polymer Chemistry
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