Irrigation Engineering And Hydraulic Structures

Book NameIrrigation Engineering And Hydraulic Structures
AuthorSantosh Kumar Garg
CategoryCivil Engineering Books, Education Books, Environmental Engineering Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherKhanna Publication
Book Size147 MB

Download Free PDF Book “Irrigation Engineering And Hydraulic Structures” By Santosh Kumar Garg.

Book contents

  1. Irrigation Techniques and Quality of Irrigation Water
  2. Water Requirements of Crops
  3. Canal Irrigation System
  4. Sediment Transport and Design of Irrigation Channels
  5. Lining of irrigation Canals and Economics of Lining
  6. Reclamation of Waterlogged and Saline Soils for Agriculture Purpose
  7. Hydrology and Runoff Computations for Design of Hydraulic Structures across Rivers and Streams
  8. Rivers, Their Behavior, Control and Training
  9. Diversion Head Works
  10. Hydraulic Jump and Its usefulness in the design of Irrigation Structures
  11. Theories of Seepage and Design of Weirs and Barrages
  12. Canal Falls
  13. Regulators Modules, and Miscellaneous Canal Structures
  14. Cross Drainage Works
  15. Construction of Culverts and Small Road Bridges Across Drains and Canals
  16. Ground Water Hydrology and Construction of Wells and Tubewells
  17. Dams in General and few Dams in Particular
  18. Reservoirs and Planning for Dam Reservoirs
  19. Design and Construction of Gravity Dams
  20. Earthen Dams and Rock Fill Dams
  21. Spillways, Energy Dissipators, and Spillway Gates
  22. Types of Crest Gates
  23. Outlet Works Through Dams and River Intakes
  24. Pressure Conduits

Santosh Kumar Garg

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