Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulic Machines

Book NameFluid Mechanics And Hydraulic Machines
AuthorDr RK Bansal
CategoryMechanical Engineering Books, GATE, Education Books
PublisherLaxmi Publications

Download a complete comprehensive Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulic Machines pdf book by RK Bansal. Topic covered in Book.

  1. Properties of Fluids
  2. Pressure and Its Measurement
  3. Hydro-static Forces on Surfaces
  4. Buoyancy and Flotation
  5. Kinematics of Flow and Ideal Flow
  6. Dynamics of Fluid Flow
  7. Orifices and Mouthpieces
  8. Notches and Weirs
  9. Viscous Flow
  10. Turbulent Flow
  11. Flow Through Pipes
  12. Dimensional and Model Analysis
  13. Boundary Layer Flow
  14. Forces on Sub-merged Bodies
  15. Compressible Flow
  16. Flow in Open Channels
  17. Impact of Jets and Jet Propulsion
  18. Hydraulic Machines – Turbines
  19. Centrifugal Pumps
  20. Reciprocating Pumps
  21. Fluid System

R. K. Bansal

He was graduated in 1966. Rk bansal complete his Master Degree in 1975 with ‘HONOURS’ from IIT, Delhi and Ph.D in 1981 from University of Delhi. He joined job in Delhi College of Engineering as a Lecturer. He was selected for the post of Professor in 1995. He also held the posts of Head of Mech. Engineering, Dean P.G. Studies and Dean U.G. Studies, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi. RK Bansal is the author of many books in mechanical engineering fields.

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