Strength of Materials 5th Edition

Book NameStrength of Materials 5th edition
AuthorR.K Bansal
CategoryMechanical Engineering Books, Education Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherLaxmi Publications
Book Size4 MB

Strength of Materials 5th edition covers 618 solved problems explained, This “Strength of Materials 5th Edition 618 Solved Problems” book is available in PDF. Download this book free of coast,

Book Contents

CHAPTER 1 Tension and Compression 1
1.1 Internal Effects of Forces 1.2 Mechanical Properties of Materials
1.3 Statically Indeterminate Force Systems 1.4 Classification of Materials
1.5 Units

CHAPTER 2 Shear Stresses 27
2.1 Shear Force and Shear Stress 2.2 Deformations Due to Shear Stresses
2.3 Shear Strain

CHAPTER 3 Combined Stresses 35
3.1 Introduction 3.2 General Case of Plane Stress 3.3 Principal Stresses and Maximum Shearing Stress
3.4 Mohr’s Circle

CHAPTER 4 Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels 49
4.1 Introduction 4.2 Cylindrical Pressure Vessels 4.3 Spherical Pressure Vessels

CHAPTER 5 Torsion 59
5.1 Introduction 5.2 Torsional Shearing Stress 5.3 Shearing Strain
5.4 Combined Torsion and Axial Loading

CHAPTER 6 Shearing Force and Bending Moment 73
6.1 Basics 6.2 Internal Forces and Moments in Beams 6.3 Shear and Moment Equations with Diagrams                         6.4 Singularity Functions

CHAPTER 7 Stresses in Beams 97
7.1 Basics 7.2 Normal Stresses in Beams 7.3 Shearing Stresses in Beams
7.4 Combined Loading

CHAPTER 8 Deflection of Beams 123
8.1 Basics 8.2 Differential Equation of the Elastic Curve 8.3 Deflection by Integration
8.4 Deflections Using Singularity Functions 8.5 Deflections Using Superposition viii Contents

CHAPTER 9 Statically Indeterminate Elastic Beams 143
9.1 Basics

CHAPTER 10 Columns 159
10.1 Basics 10.2 Critical Load of a Long Slender Column 10.3 Eccentrically Loaded Columns
10.4 Design Formulas for Columns Having Intermediate Slenderness Ratios

CHAPTER 11 Fatigue 175

R. K. Bansal

He was graduated in 1966. Rk bansal complete his Master Degree in 1975 with ‘HONOURS’ from IIT, Delhi and Ph.D in 1981 from University of Delhi. He joined job in Delhi College of Engineering as a Lecturer. He was selected for the post of Professor in 1995. He also held the posts of Head of Mech. Engineering, Dean P.G. Studies and Dean U.G. Studies, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi. RK Bansal is the author of many books in mechanical engineering fields.

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