Studies in Chinese Religion

Book NameStudies in Chinese Religion
AuthorE.H. Parker
CategoryReligion Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherE. P. DUTTON & CO
CountryNew York, USA.
Book Size7.7 MB

The contents of this book may be described in the main as the original studies from which a summary was made and
a popular work published, in 1905, called China and Religion : at least these studies suggested the compilation of such a work.

It was thought better not to encumber China and Religion with too many references, proper names, and ” intensive ” matter generally.

“Studies in Chinese Religion” Content:

  1. The Old Chinese Spiritual Life
  2. Taoism. Its Gradual Development Out Of The Old Spiritual Iife
  3. Confucianism. Its Development Also Out Of The Old Spiritual Life
  4. Arrival Of Buddhism By Way Of The Indo-Scythian
  5. Empire Of The Oxus
  6. Islam In China
  7. Christianity, Printing, Etc.
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