The Spectrum of Religion

Book NameThe Spectrum of Religion
AuthorLoren M. Edwards
CategoryReligion Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherThe Mathodist Book Concern
CountryNew York, USA.
Book Size6 MB

Not even the deathless interest in the subject of religion could warrant this book if it were theoretical or speculative. This is well, for if religion is to commend itself to busy, thoughtful, enterprising men and women, it must become efficient and practical.

The following inquiry was sent to two hundred people of every class and condition:

”What Is Your Idea of Religion? In the hope of rendering a distinct Christian service to the community, I am seeking your honest answer to this question.

The Spectrum of Religion Book Content:

  1. The Religion of the Upward Reach
  2. The Religion of the Burning Heart
  3.  The Religion of the Struggling Soul
  4. The Religion of the Daily Deed
  5. The Religion of the Open Hand
  6. The Religion of the Christian Church
  7. The Religion of the Forward Look


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