Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering

Book NameEncyclopedia of Automotive Engineering
AuthorDavid A. Crolla
CategoryAutomobile Engineering Books
Book LanguageEnglish
Book Size110

A Choice Outstanding Academic Title The Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering provides for the first time a large, unified knowledge base laying the foundation for advanced study and in–depth research.

Beyond traditional automotive subjects the Encyclopedia addresses green technologies, the shift from mechanics to electronics, and the means to produce safer, more efficient vehicles within varying economic restraints worldwide.

The work comprises nine main parts:

  1. Engines: Fundamentals
  2. Engines: Design
  3. Hybrid and Electric Powertrains
  4. Transmission and Driveline
  5. Chassis Systems
  6. Electrical and Electronic Systems
  7. Body Design
  8. Materials and Manufacturing and
  9. Telematics.

David A. Crolla

David A. Crolla is the author of books such as Automotive Engineering. He has held senior positions in quality management with British Aerospace and Ferranti International and worked with such companies as General Motors, the UK Civil Aviation Authority and Bell Atlantic on their quality improvement programmes.

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