Essential Physics by John Matolyak and Ajawad Haija

Book NameEssential Physics
AuthorJohn Matolyak and Ajawad Haija
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherCRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
Book Size4.3 MB

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Table of Contents

Systems of Units, Significant Figures, Coordinate Systems, and Vectors
Systems of Units
Conversion of Units
Significant Figures
Scientific Notation
Coordinate Systems
Addition and Subtraction of Vectors
Guideline for Determining the Direction of the Resultant

Motion in One Dimension
Average Velocity
Average Speed
Instantaneous Velocity
Equations of Motion
Free-Falling Object

Two-Dimensional Motion and Circular Motion
Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration
Equations of Motion in Two Dimensions
Projectile Motion
Uniform Circular Motion
Linear Velocity, Angular Velocity, Period, and Frequency
Nonuniform Circular Motion

Newton’s Laws: Implications and Applications
Statement of Newton’s Laws
Discussion of Newton’s Laws of Motion
Free Body Diagram
Remarks on the Application of Newton’s Second and Third Laws
Newton’s Gravitational Law
Mass, Weight, and Newton’s Gravitational Law
Newton’s Third Law and Apparent Weight
Dynamics of a Uniform Circular Motion

Newton’s Laws: Friction in Linear and Circular Motions
Frictional Forces
Banked Roads

Work and Energy
Work–Energy Theorem
Conservative Forces
Potential Energy
Nonconservative Forces and the Total Mechanical Energy

Linear Momentum and Collision
Systems of Particles
Motion of the Center of Mass
Linear Momentum of a System of Particles
Collisions and Change in Linear Momentum
Collisions in Two Dimensions
Types of Collision

Rotational Motion
Angular Kinematic Quantities
Rotational Motion in a Plane
Rigid Body
Moment of Inertia
Parallel Axis Theorem
Equilibrium of a Rigid Body
Angular Momentum
Rotational Kinetic Energy
A Rigid Body in Translational and Rotational Motions
Total Mechanical Energy of a Rigid Body

Simple Harmonic Motion
Hooke’s Law
Potential Energy of a Spring
Mass-Spring System in SHM
Simple Pendulum in SHM

Thermal Physics: Temperature, Heat, and Thermal Expansion
Heat is a Form of Energy, Specific Heat, and Heat Capacity
Heat and Internal Energy
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
Thermometers and Temperature Scales
Thermal Expansion
Heat Transfer: Transfer by Conduction

Waves and Wave Motion
Wave Motion
Types of Waves
Mathematical Treatment of an Ideal Wave
Intensity of Waves
Superposition of Waves: Interference and Standing Waves

Pressure: Definition and Units
Pressure Within Fluids
Density of Fluids
Variation of Pressure with Depth in a Static Fluid
Pascal’s Principle and Applications
Archimedes’ Principle
Dynamics of Fluids: Equation of Continuity
Bernoulli’s Equation

Electric Forces and Fields
Conductors and Insulators: Charged Objects
Coulomb’s Law
The Electric Field
Conductors in an Electric Field
Gauss’ Law

Electric Potential Energy and Potential
Potential Energy
Electric Potential
Electric Potential of Point charges: Spatially Varying E

Direct Current Circuits
Ohm’s Law
Simple Circuits
Electric Power
Kirchhoff’s Rules

Magnetic Forces and Fields
The Magnetic Field
The Magnetic Force on an Electric Current
Magnetic Fields Produced by Moving Charges
Magnetic Materials and Permanent Magnets

Electromagnetic Induction
Faraday’s Law
Electric Generators

Alternating Current Electric Circuits
Alternating Signals
Phase Relations in Simple AC Circuits
RCL Series Circuit
Root-Mean-Square Average Values, Power

Electromagnetic Waves
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Geometrical Optics
Wavefronts and Rays
Thin Lenses
Optical Instruments

Physical (Wave) Optics
Double-Slit Experiment
Thin-Film Interference
Single-Slit Diffraction
The Diffraction Grating

Modern Physics
Line Spectra
The Bohr Model
Beyond the Bohr Model
The Periodic Table of Elements
Quantum Physics
Thermal Radiation
Wave–Particle Duality
Quantum Mechanics
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
The Atomic Nucleus, Radioactivity

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