Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers

Book NameQuantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers
AuthorDavid A B Miller
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherCambridge University Press
Book Size3.8 MB

Download Free PDF book on “Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers” By David A B Miller.

Book Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Waves and quantum mechanics – Schrödinger’s equation
  3. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation
  4. Functions and operators
  5. Operators and quantum mechanics
  6. Approximation methods in quantum mechanics
  7. Time-dependent perturbation theory
  8. Quantum mechanics in crystalline materials
  9. Angular momentum
  10. The hydrogen atom
  11. Methods for one-dimensional problems
  12. Spin
  13. Identical particles
  14. The density matrix
  15. Harmonic oscillators and photons
  16. Fermion operators
  17. Interaction of different kinds of particles
  18. Quantum information
  19. Interpretation of quantum mechanics
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