IIT-JEE Objective Mathematics

Book NameIIT-JEE Objective Mathematics
Author S K Goyal
CategoryGeneral Studies Books, Mathematics Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherArihant Publications
Book Size32 MB

Download Free PDF Book “IIT-JEE Objective Mathematics” By S K Goyal.

Book contents

  1. Complex Numbers
  2. Theory of Equations
  3. Sequences and Series
  4. Permutations and Combinations
  5. Binomial Theorem
  6. Determinants
  7. Matrices
  8. Logarithms and Their Properties
  9. Probability
  10. Functions
  11. Limits
  12. Continuity and Differentiability
  13. Differential Coefficient
  14. Application of Derivatives
  15. Monotonicity, Rolle’s and Mean Value Theorems
  16. Maxima and Minima
  17. Indefinite Integration
  18. Definite Integration
  19. Areas
  20. Differential Equations
  21. Straight Lines
  22. Pairs of Straight Lines
  23. Circle
  24. Parabola
  25. Ellipse
  26. Hyperbola
  27. Three Dimensional Geometry
  28. Trigonometrical Ratios and Identities
  29. Trigonometric Equations
  30. Inverse Circular
  31. Solution of Triangles
  32. Vectors
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