Mathematical Physics applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers 2nd Edition

Book NameMathematical Physics applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers 2nd Edition
AuthorBruce R Kusse and Erik A Westwig
CategoryPhysics, Mathematics Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherWILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Book Size10 MB

Download Free PDF book on “Mathematical Physics applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers 2nd Edition” By Bruce R Kusse and Erik A Westwig.

Table of Contents

1. A Review of Vector and Matrix Algebra Using Subscript/Summation Conventions
2. Differential and Integral Operations on Vector and Scalar Fields
3. Curvilinear Coordinate Systems
4. Introduction to Tensors
5. The Dirac Delta-Function
6. Introduction to Complex Variables
7. Fourier Series
8. Fourier Transforms
9. Laplace Transforms
10. Differential Equations
11. Solutions to Laplace’s Equation
12. Integral Equations
13. Advanced Topics in Complex Analysis
14. Tensors in Non-Orthogonal Coordinate Systems
15. Introduction to Group Theory

A. The Levi-Civita Identitiy
B. The Curvilinear Curl
C. The Double Integral Identity
D. Green’s Function Solutions
E. Pseudovectors and the Mirror Test
F. Christoffel Symbols and Covariant Derivatives

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