Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines

Book NameIntroduction to Internal Combustion Engines
AuthorRichard Stone
CategoryAutomobile Engineering Books
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherMacmillan Press Ltd
CountryUnited States
Book Size85

Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines book should be useful to students who are following specialist options in internal combustion engines, and also to students at earlier stages in their courses- especially with regard to laboratory work.

Internal combustion engines form part of most thermodynamics courses at Colleges and Universities.

Practising engineers should also find the book useful when they need an overview of the subject, or when they are working on particular aspects of internal combustion engines that are new to them.

Richard Stone

Richard Stone is a Reader in Engineering Science in the Department of Engineering Science at Oxford. Dr. Stone has written approximately 90 papers, most in the areas of engine combustion and instrumentation.

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