Pinjar Novel

Book NamePinjar Novel
AuthorAmrita Pritam
Book LanguageHindi
Publisherpooja printing press
Book Size96 MB

Download a free eBook on Pinjar Novel, which is written by Amrita Pritam. Let’s first read the book content of this PDF:

Book Content

Pinjar represents the harrowing situation of women. It is a tale of human mistakes which exploit man’s misfortunes. A number of cases happen during the partition where girls committed suicide without any fault of hers.

Pinjar depicts a world of social reality which draws its meaning from the description of experienced reality. The story revolves around a Hindu girl who belongs to a family of money lenders. Through this character, the author depicts how the women of the twentieth century were bound to accept their conditions calling it their fate. Pinjar is a novel which shows the intentional and emotional struggles element of women. The novel sheds light on revenge and betrayal in two families. The novel was related to the plight of women during the bloodiest time in recent Indian history that of partition and the period just preceding and following it.

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