AQA A Level Physics Student Book 1

Book NameAQA A Level Physics Student Book 1
AuthorNick England, Jeremy Pollard, Nicky Thomas and Carol Davenport.
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherHodder Education
ISBN978 1471 807732
CountryUnited Kingdom
Book Size16.6 MB

Download Free PDF book on “AQA A Level Physics Student Book 1” by Nick England, Jeremy Pollard, Nicky Thomas and Carol Davenport.


  • Contents
    1 Particles and nuclides
    2 Fundamental particles
    3 Electrons and energy levels
    4 Particles of light
    5 Waves
    6 Combining waves
    7 Introduction to mechanics
    8 Motion and its measurement
    9 Newton’s laws of motion
    10 Work, energy and power
    11 Momentum
    12 Properties of materials
    13 Current electricity
    14 Electrical circuits
    15 Maths in physics
    16 Developing practical skills in physics
    17 Preparing for written assessments
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