Mathematics for Physics a Guided Tour for Graduate Students

Book Name Mathematics for Physics a Guided Tour for Graduate Students
AuthorMichael Stone and Paul Goldbart
Book LanguageEnglish
PublisherCambridge University Press
Book Size5.5 MB

Download Free PDF book on ” Mathematics for Physics a Guided Tour for Graduate Students” By Michael Stone and Paul Goldbart.


  1. Calculus of variations
  2. Function spaces
  3. Motivation
  4. Linear ordinary differential equations
  5. Linear differential operators
  6. Green functions
  7. Partial differential equations
  8. The mathematics of real waves
  9. Special functions
  10. Integral equations
  11. Vectors and tensors
  12. Differential calculus on manifolds
  13. Integration on manifolds
  14. An introduction to differential topology
  15. Groups and group representations
  16. Lie groups
  17. The geometry of fibre bundles
  18. Complex analysis
  19. Applications of complex variables
  20. Special functions and complex variables
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