Numerical Methods

Book NameNumerical Methods
AuthorB.S. Grewal
CategoryMathematics Books
Book LanguageEnglish

Download pdf Numerical Methods by B.S Grewal In Engineering & Science (With Programs In C, C++ And MATLAB). This book is an attempt to provide a suitable text-book which will meet the needs of engineering and science students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Book Content

  1. Approximations and Errors in Computation
  2. Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations
  3. Solution of Simultaneous Algebraic Equations
  4. Matrix Inversion and Eigen-Value Problems
  5. Empirical Laws and Curve-fitting
  6. Finite Differences
  7. Interpolation
  8. Numerical Differentiation and Integration
  9. Difference Equations
  10. Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
  11. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
  12. Linear Programming
  13. A Brief of Review of Computers
  14. Numerical Methods using C Language
  15. Numerical Methods using C++ Language
  16. Numerical Methods using MATLAB
  17. Appendix 1: Useful Information
  18. Appendix 2: Bibliography


B.S. Grewal

B. S. Grewal is an Indian academic author and educationist. B.S Grewal too has good set of problems but I feel they're beyond the level of GATE. He had authored mathematics and Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science with Programs in C and C+ +.  He is good for the concepts. It explains mathematics in a way you can comprehend.

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